A very broad group of simple plants (including phytoplankton, and benthic microalgae and macroalgae) that live chiefly in fresh or salt water and are capable of photosynthesis. Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, are included in the term algae for the purposes of this document, although taxonomically speaking they are not strictly algae. (Singular – alga; plural – algae; adjective – algal.)
Referring to the background environmental condition.
Without oxygen; occurring or living in the absence of oxygen.
Consisting of, relating to, or being in water.
Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)
The average daily amount of water flowing through a system (often wastewater treatment) during dry weather. Abbreviated as ADWF. The ADWF is usually calculated according to a defined rain-free period. Sometimes referred to in terms of annual ADWF, which is 365 times the daily ADWF.
The flow of water entering stream channels from groundwater sources.
Beneficial Reuse
The recovery of used materials for subsequent uses that deliver a net environmental benefit.
The number and variety of living organisms; includes genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecological diversity (same as biological diversity).
An event in which a biotic population rapidly expands.
Business As Usual (BAU) scenario
A scenario considered during a computer modelling exercise that assumes no significant investment in catchment management activities beyond those already approved or considered normal practice at the date of running the model.
An area of land bounded by natural features such as hills, from which drainage flows to a common point, usually ending in a river or creek and eventually the sea.
Channel Erosion
The wearing away of the land, chiefly by rain and running water; occurs in gullies and along stream banks, especially where riparian vegetation is degraded.
Primitive, photosynthetic bacteria occurring as a single cell or in filaments, some of which are often capable of nitrogen fixing; often referred to as blue-green algae.
Diffuse Source Pollution
Non-point sources of pollution such as sediment or nutrients from catchment runoff, groundwater inputs or atmospheric fall-out.
An interdependent and dynamic system of living organisms with their physical and geographical environment.
Ecosystem Health
A measure of the ability of an ecosystem to be productive, its biological diversity and its resilience to change.
Ecosystem Services
Benefits people obtain from ecosystems.
Enabling Action Target (EAT)
Targets related to enabling actions, namely those actions that facilitate the achievement of issue-based and area-based Action Plan Targets. Topics include: communication, education and motivation; aquatic ecosystem health monitoring; and management strategy evaluation.
Enabling Outcome (EO)
Outcomes which need to be achieved if a particular Action Plan Target is to be achieved. Enabling Action Targets are grouped under relevant Enabling Outcomes.
Environmental Value (EV)
Particular values or uses of the environment that are important for a healthy ecosystem or for public benefit, welfare, safety or health and that require protection from the effects of contaminants, waste discharges and deposits. Several environmental values may be designated for a specific waterbody (AWQG, 2000).
The tidal part of a river where sea water mixes with fresh water.
Event Monitoring
Measures the representative or average pollutant concentration values for storm events for each of the three pollutants (Total Suspended Solids, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus).
A parcel of land not previously developed beyond that of agriculture or forestry use; virgin land. In the SEQ Regional Plan: “Areas of undeveloped land in the Urban Footprint suitable for urban development”.
Wastewater from baths, showers and laundries. It does not include wastewater from toilets or food preparation areas.
Water in the saturated zone beneath the land surface.
Gully Erosion
The process whereby narrow channels (generally with a depth greater than 30 centimetres) are eroded into a hill slope by surface water flows.
Harmful Algal Bloom
Algal blooms that pose a threat to human health or the environment.
High Ecological Value (HEV) waterways
Effectively unmodified or other highly valued systems, typically (but not always) occurring in national parks, conservation reserves or in remote and/or inaccessible locations. While there are no aquatic ecosystems in Australia and New Zealand that are entirely without some human influence, the ecological integrity of high conservation/ecological value systems is regarded as intact (ANZECC 2000; 3.1–10).
Indirect Potable Reuse
The introduction of highly treated water to existing untreated drinking water storages that are or will be used for public water supplies, or to recharge groundwater used as a source of domestic water supply.
Infill Development
New development that occurs within established urban areas where the site or area is either vacant or has previously been used for another urban purpose. The scale of development can range from the creation of one additional residential lot to a major mixed-use redevelopment.
Management Action Target (MAT)
Targets related to management actions or capacity building, to be achieved generally within one to five years. Management Action Targets contribute to progress toward the longer-term Resource Condition Targets.
Management Outcome (MO)
Outcomes which need to be achieved if a particular Action Plan Target is to be achieved. Management Action Targets are grouped under relevant Management Outcomes.
Nuisance Algal Bloom
Algal bloom that is not known to produce toxins, but causes nuisance, principally to amenity.
Nutrient Load
An estimate of the total amount of a nutrient (nitrogen or phosphorus) entering a waterway over a particular time interval (units of N or P per year).
The space that lies immediately outside of the existing urban area extending into the non-urban hinterland and encompassing the Moreton Bay Islands.
Point Source
A single point of pollutant discharge. For example, effluent from a sewage treatment plant or an industrial wastewater treatment plant.
Ramsar Convention
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. It is an intergovernmental treaty providing the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.
Resource Condition Target (RCT)
Quantifiable performance levels or changes in level to be achieved within 10-20 years.
Reverse Osmosis
A water treatment process whereby dissolved salts, such as sodium, chloride, calcium carbonate, and calcium sulphate may be separated from water by forcing the water through a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure. The water diffuses through the membrane and the dissolved salts remain behind on the surface of the membrane.
Of or pertaining to the bank of a river; beside or along the bank of a river, pond or small lake.
Severe erosion by water.
SEQ Healthy Waterways Vision
By 2026, our waterways and catchments will be healthy ecosystems supporting the livelihoods and lifestyles of people in South East Queensland, and will be managed through collaboration between community, government and industry.
Mainly liquid wastewater containing some solids which typically consists of washing water, faeces, urine, laundry waste and industrial waste and other material which goes down drains and toilets from households and industry. Refers to waste matter which passes through sewers.
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
A facility where sewage is treated and many of the solids and nutrients are removed before the left-over liquid (effluent) is discharged into waterways or reused. Also referred to as a wastewater treatment plant.
Total Water Cycle Management
Total water cycle management recognises the finite limits to a region’s water resources and assumes greater importance as the level of demand approaches those limits. It is a holistic approach to balancing the competing demands placed on water resources, so as to meet defined water quantity and quality objectives, including those relating to the role of water in the environment. The key principles of total water cycle management include: recognising all potential sources of water, including wastewater and stormwater; using all water sources sustainably; allocating and using water equitably; and integrating water use and natural water processes, including maintaining environmental flows and water quality.
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
A holistic approach to the planning, design, construction and retrofitting of urban development that aims to minimise negative impacts on the natural water cycle and protect the health of aquatic ecosystems. It promotes the integration of stormwater, water supply and sewage management within a development precinct.
A passage for water or a body of water, including all orders of perennial and ephemeral streams (lined or unlined), rivers and other wetlands, and bays. Includes Moreton Bay and all estuaries, marine waters and foreshores.
An area of permanent or periodic/intermittent inundation, whether natural or artificial, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 metres. It is acknowledged that waterways are also defined as wetlands but they have been specifically distinguished apart from wetlands for the SEQHWS.